Mr Ravi Arumugam to continue post on ISCA CARE’s Board of directors

The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) Cares has recently announced the continuance of Mr Ravi Arumugam, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Partner of RT LLP’s post as treasurer on its board of directors. Since its inception in 2015,  Mr Ravi has consistently played an active role in contributing to its cause in working towards building a compassionate and caring accountancy community for the betterment of the society.

“ISCA Cares is a charity set up in 2015 by the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) as part of Singapore’s Jubilee celebration of her 50th anniversary of independence. The charity represents a collective effort of the accountancy profession to give back to society which supported them in achieving success. It also signifies the efforts of the Institute, in its role as the national accountancy body, to provide a platform for the profession to support worthy and meaningful causes.”

Having over 5 years of stewardship as one of its board members, we sat down with Mr Ravi for a quick chat where he shared some of his thoughts and experiences about his journey with ISCA Cares and what he hopes for the accountancy community in the years to come.

Photo adapted from ISCA Cares news journal done by one of its bursary recipients as a token of gratitude

What does ISCA Cares do?

ISCA Cares provides bursaries for deserving young talents from our institutions who aspire to be accountants but due to various factors and personal situations may be struggling to pay fees or take care of their cost of living. It is heart wrenching to hear their stories and I am happy to be able to be involved and be part of the team that identifies these deserving individuals for bursaries.

What pulled you to become a board member on ISCA Cares?

I was invited to be a Board member by the then President of ISCA, Mr Gerard Ee and subsequently took on the post as Treasurer of the Charity. When asked at that time, I immediately accepted as an honour and privilege in doing my part in giving back to the society and accountancy community that I hold dearly.

Photo adapted from ISCA Cares news journal done by one of its bursary recipients as a token of gratitude

What has been the most rewarding part of being on ISCA Cares for you?

It has been my privilege to have been part of the first Board of Directors, excellently supported by ISCA volunteers that started ISCA Cares. The most rewarding part would have to be helping students in our institutions achieve their dreams and in that process cultivate the accountants of the future.

What is one thing you hope for in the community?

I would like to see more young people opting to be professional accountants. I would also like to see more of those who are already in the profession contribute to ISCA Cares, which is a very worthwhile cause in development of the next generation of professional accountants.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with regards to the work that ISCA Cares does?

ISCA Cares is a brilliant initiative and effort by the profession for the profession. The work it does and the good it provides will yield dividends many times more in the future. It is a good way to reach out to the best and brightest who might need a little assistance in their early years. ISCA Cares is essentially the profession investing in itself and thereby ensuring the future of the profession in Singapore. It is a good way to give back to the profession and to be proud to have contributed in helping another.

